Control and Worry and Trust, Oh My!

Lately I’ve been thinking a lot about trust. Such a simple word to say; such a difficult thing to do.

I realize I don’t quite trust anyone but myself. I spend a lot of mental energy devising back up plans: an alternate dinner in case my daughter forgets its her turn to cook; a dog sitter list in case my regular one cancels at the last minute; a different route to work in case there is flooding or road work. If I’m honest, I don’t even trust God; I ask for His help but always have a plan of my own in case He doesn’t come through. I waste so much time preparing for events that never even happen. What an exhausting way to live!

Maybe it grew out of the knowledge that no one is perfect and that even those we love can let us down. More likely it grew out of my ongoing need for control -another simple word, but one that can wreak havoc on my life. I bet you can relate.

Control is illusive. Every time I think I’ve come up with a contingency plan for the problems in my life, something unexpected pops up. Every time I think I have my schedule – or my house, or my patients, or my diet or my exercise, etc. – under control, something unexpected derails me.

So lately I’ve tried to acknowledge that God is in control, and He knows better than me; to accept that worrying about possible outcomes is a waste of precious time. If a huge problem appears on the horizon, I’ll allow myself a few minutes to figure out a plan for worst case scenario, then wrap the whole thing up, give it to God, and put it out of my head.  This leaves me free to concentrate on this moment, right now.

For today, I will escape the wicked whip of worry and the clutches of its cousin, control. I will quit rehearsing catastrophes in my head, and I will trust that God will deliver whatever strength and wisdom I need whenever the time comes to use it.

Right now, my coffee is steaming and rich, and the autumn colors outside my window are magnificent. Try it, my worrying friends;go delight in today!

What do you think? Leave a reply to let me know!