Oh Come, Oh Come, Emmanuel

I know many of you are struggling during this holiday season. A wayward child, a dying loved one, poor health, a bare bank account, a lost job, pandemic disrupted travel creating empty seats at your holiday table – there are many challenges. Some of you are so overworked you could sleep through the holidays. Some of you can’t seem to find the joy in the “happiest season of all,” even though nothing is specifically wrong.

Whatever your situation, you are in my prayers.

A wise, dear friend died earlier this year. Her life was not an easy one. She told me once that whenever a life storm was brewing, she pictured herself and Jesus standing together just outside it. Then, as the howling wind and pounding rain started, He grabbed for her hand, and they marched into the whirlwind together. Even when it got so bad she couldn’t see him anymore, she knew he was there, holding tightly. When they came out on the other side, he was just as windblown and bedraggled as she was, but he never let go.

My friend gave me many gifts, but this vision is one of the best. It’s a striking reminder that we are not alone; God is always with us. He is a friend who will help our overworked hearts find rest. He is a confidante who understands sickness and death and loneliness- and who holds our hands even when we can’t see Him. We have a God who loves us so much he became visible in a tiny baby ready to lavish our souls with joy no matter what else we are going through. Yesterday at church, we sang, Oh Come, Oh Come Emmanuel.  The name means “God with us.”

Dear friends, take some time during this crazy hectic week to be still… and feel… and know: God is with us.

Do not fear: I am with you; do not be anxious: I am your God.
I will strengthen you; I will help you;
I will uphold you with my victorious right hand (Isaiah 41:10).

If you know someone who needs this encouragement, please share. And don’t forget to ‘like’ if you do!

Trust the Pilot, and Trust God

I recently had to remind myself of this post from 2016. Maybe you need to hear it again, too. Trust is a funny thing…..

Have you ever been in a hot air balloon? A propane fire heats the air inside the balloon, which allows it to float upward; as the air cools, the balloon descends. The pilot can’t really steer, but he goes up and down until he finds a wind current that carries him in the direction he wants to go. The balloon can’t travel any faster than the wind, and if there’s no wind the balloon just sits there in the sky. Fascinating, right?

Neil and I thought so too, so we celebrated our first wedding anniversary with a hot air balloon ride. It was a glorious summer morning, with a clear sky, no humidity, and comfortably cool temperature.  Neil and I bravely climbed over the chest-height sides into the wicker passenger basket. It seemed sturdy enough, but there was no roof or side rails – nothing much to protect us from the fire above and the ground below.

As the fire lit up and the balloon gently started to rise, my brain automatically evaluated all the things that could go wrong. Hmm…a gust of wind could tip the basket and dump us free falling through the air like sky divers without a parachute. Or the wind could change direction and whisk us off course like the poor Wizard of Oz. Or the fire could die and send the whole balloon crashing to the ground. I am not afraid of heights, but as we floated above the buildings and trees, the openness of the basket was disconcerting. Shouldn’t this at least be enclosed, I wondered? Continue reading →

My Fickle Faith

Last week’s wind storms wreaked havoc at my house. Lots of damage, loss of power, and on top of that, a little fender-bender car accident. Today I pick up the pieces, literally. There are downed twigs and large branches all over my yard, not to mention the two fallen ninety-foot-tall pine trees stretched across my driveway.

And even though last week I said, “Thank you, God, that those trees did not hit my house or my car!” today I’m thinking: How do I even start to clean up this mess? Continue reading →

Big Jim and the Great Bahama Adventure

I am a naturally cautious person and not typically enthusiastic about adventures, but one of the best days I ever had was one worthy of a reality TV show. It was winter at home, and while my sister watched our daughters, Neil and I went on our first cruise.

Although I would have been content soaking up the sun from the lido deck and watching the shows in the grand ballroom, Neil wanted to explore Nassau once we docked. The cruise ship offered several tours, and I pointed out the ones I thought would be fun. “No,” he said. “They’re for tourists. I want to see the real place, the real people.”

We piled out of the ship with everyone else, but while they headed off to ask about tour buses, Neil walked down the road to a giant Bahamian man who stood outside a long, white, limousine. “How much for a tour of the real island?” Neil asked him. “The real island? You sure, man?” They haggled over a price for a day that included a traditional show, food and a scenic drive, then shook hands, and Big Jim (yes, that was really his name) ushered us into the back of the limo.

“Isn’t this nice?” Neil asked as we turned on the air conditioning and settled in.
It was nice, for a while. Then we drove off a main road into a poor neighborhood where skinny dogs wandered around sniffing trash, and people watched us from their front porch rockers. When we stopped in front of a run-down, empty appearing grocery store, the limo looked incredibly out of place. Big Jim got out, and Neil rolled down his tinted window. “Where are you going?” Continue reading →

Exciting News: Step Outside Your Comfort Zone

On October 31 the newest Chicken Soup for the Soul book will be released, and guess what? On page 54 you’ll find one of my stories!

But here’s even better news: subscribe to my blog by email, and you’ll be entered in a drawing to win a free copy of the book. Not only will you get my posts delivered straight to your inbox twice a month, but you might be one of three lucky winners of Step Outside Your Comfort Zone: 101 Stories About Trying New Things, Overcoming Fears and Broadening Your World.

It’s a win-win! If you already subscribe – you’re automatically entered in the contest. And if you’re curious to check it out, the book is  already available on  amazon.com.
