My Fickle Faith

Last week’s wind storms wreaked havoc at my house. Lots of damage, loss of power, and on top of that, a little fender-bender car accident. Today I pick up the pieces, literally. There are downed twigs and large branches all over my yard, not to mention the two fallen ninety-foot-tall pine trees stretched across my driveway.

And even though last week I said, “Thank you, God, that those trees did not hit my house or my car!” today I’m thinking: How do I even start to clean up this mess?

And even though last week I said, “Thanks, God, that no one was hurt in my little car accident!” today I am thinking: My neck is really sore and I don’t have time to get my wheels realigned.

And even though last week I said, “Thank God the power was only off for nine hours!” today I am thinking: All that shivering in the dark didn’t help my neck and shoulders one bit and now I have to go through the freezer and throw out perfectly good-looking food.

What fickle faith I have!

One of my favorite personal meditations is Peter walking on the water to Jesus (Matthew. 14:22-33). I imagine Peter’s great faith in those first few steps onto the surface of the water and the excitement he felt as God’s power worked though him. Then I picture his faith wavering, with doubt and fear pushing it out of the way until he suddenly sinks into the sea. Finally, I imagine Jesus pulling poor, soaked Peter out of the water: not mad or angry, but laughing saying, “Why did you doubt?”

My faith is like that. One moment I am convinced of God’s unconditional love and unimaginable power. The next minute fear and worry and doubt creep in as I wonder if God really sees me and knows what I am going through. And every time, Jesus pulls me up and smiles as He says, “Again Colleen? Really?” and then He laughs as He hugs me.

So today I’ll put away my whining worry and completely ignore the two massive downed trees out front. And instead I’ll fixate on the daffodils poking through, and God’s loving voice saying, “Why did you doubt?”

Please share with anyone who could use this message!



  1. You have a wonderful way of explaining things Colleen. I feel exactly the same way. I have strong faith one moment and doubt the next moment. One of my favorite prayers is – I do believe. Help my unbelief!

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