On Being Fickle

It is 92 degrees on this second to last day of September. Thunder rolls in the distance, while heat lightening dances overhead. The air is so humid that the dog and I are sweating and panting after the first few steps of our walk.

Where are the cool, crisp days of autumn?” I lament.

Then I recall how just a few days ago at work I shivered in my white coat despite three layers underneath, and secretly prayed the office air conditioner would break. That day I longed to feel warm.

And in just a few months, when I go out for a walk in the snow, today’s weather will come to mind. I’ll wish for my sweaty T-shirt and shorts instead of my heavy boots and stuffy parka.

How fickle I am! Can you relate? Our human nature tends to want what we don’t have and dislike what we do. It’s unfortunate, because if I am always fixated on what’s wrong, I’ll miss out on all that’s right.

So, refocusing on my walk today…..

The lightening show was stunning, and the humidity misted over the river in lovely swirls. My sips of cold water were all the more refreshing because my panting throat was dry. And the sweat? It made me feel like an athlete.

Dear God, help me be
satisfied with what I have,
grateful for all you have given me,
and untroubled by wishes and wants.


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