This Storm Will Pass

God is with us in even the worst storms……

It is raining. Hard. The wind blows horizontal sheets of rain that bombard the window like plaques of pebbles. Thunder rattles the walls and the wind gusts through unseen cracks in the door jam. Lightening flashes across the sky, showcasing the trees as they bend and dance in the wind and lighting up the river that now streams down my driveway.  

My dog is on the couch beside me, unafraid of the outdoor turmoil, feeling safe because he knows I am with him. We watch contentedly, wrapped in a crochet blanket; me with a big bowl of popcorn, Buddy with a peanut butter chew treat. The storm is the evening entertainment, and despite the ferocious weather outside, we are safe and peaceful inside.

Cliché as it is, that’s a good description of what God can do for us.  His unfailing presence and ever-constant love can keep us unruffled and serene inside, no matter how frightful the storms of life rage outside. He doesn’t take those storms away, but He holds our hands and sits beside us, wrapping us in the tender blanket of His kindness, so we are never alone.

“Don’t be afraid,” He whispers. “The storm will pass.”

And it always does.

Draw close to God and He will draw close to you (James 4:8).


  1. So my first thought is with the people in the Bahamas who were devastated and for whom the storm did not pass. My prayer is that by others reaching out to them in solidarity providing the resources they need, they will feel God’s comfort.

      1. Thankfully, we were totally spared. Our diocese is actively seeking support for help via Catholic Relief Services (CRS), all of which monies donated goes to services as opposed to administrative costs.

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